
About us

We live in a small Oxfordshire village and have always had an interest in the environment.  Recycling and up-cycling have always been incredibly important to us and we always felt strongly that the throwaway society that we live in is wrong.

We have a roof full solar panels and keep free range chickens in our garden so really felt that we were doing our bit to a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

While we had our organic vegetables delivered because we thought it was a good thing to do we hadn’t really done our homework about why organic was better until recently.  After attending an event that was about organic and fair-trade products Lorraine’s interest grew and those same things that drove us about the environment were present in making a decision to switch to an organic lifestyle.  That and the fact that you can’t fill your children full of the harsh chemicals that horrify you at a presentation – it wasn’t in me to just ignore the health issues that these chemicals present to us. Combine the environmental issues and health issues that are caused by farming and industry in general and we have decided to make a statement by finding great organic products and building a useful blog.

Over the coming months you will see us building a blog full of reviews and facts about the products we find and how they benefit our environment and health.  Thanks for popping by and we hope you come back really soon.